Sunday, April 29, 2012

Waiting until next year

I had my birthday party last weekend. A bbq at my house with all of my friends. We had a blast. Sunday morning I woke up with a sore throat and Monday I was sick on the couch. Every year, in April, usually right after my birthday this happens.  I feel better today but I missed a whole week of school and my teen idol audition.  I was feeling really sad about that until I talked it over with my mom. She pointed out that next year my voice will be so much stronger and it's better to be older if you win.  She said I'll have a better shot at whatever comes next if I wait until I'm older and you only get to win PTI once.  So, I feel better about it and next week I'll get back to work with Cameron. I've got the summer performance to focus on now. I still get to sing lead in a band!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I (heart) to SING!

The auditions for Portland Teen Idol begin on April 20th. I have been working with Cameron on my piece. I will be doing Freddy Mercury (I LOVE Queen). Cameron says I am going to be great. I should get my audition date next week and I will be ready. I still love acting but I have been focused this year on my voice with 2 vocal coaches and 2 choirs and I realize how much I love to sing. I am looking forward to this summer when I can join performance at School of Rock. Singing lead vocals for a band is like a dream come true. But, first...Teen Idol. Who wouldn't love to take first place, but I will be content to make it into the rounds. Last years winner was a 14 year old girl. I think I can do this.