Saturday, September 25, 2010

AUGUST 2010 The Idiot & The Oddity

Indi had fun playing Persephone "valley girl style" She was like, so good. Written and Directed by Suezann Kitchens this was a fun take on the The Odessey performed on stage at NWCTS.

Monday, August 2, 2010

July 2010: Filming Shortcake

INDI worked three 12 hour days on the set for Shortcake and loved every minute of it. Shortcake is a short film produced by Lena Rudnick. They filmed on Sauvie's Island at the Bybee House on Howell Road. We should get her reel in September and can't wait to see INDI on the big screen.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

NWCTS July 2010: The Tempest

Indi played "Luna" in The TEMPEST directed by Suezann Kitchens. She really enjoyed the challenge of doing Shakespeare and although she had few lines she was once again a star on the stage.
photos by David Kinder Photography

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Indi excels in reading, writing and math and she won the Presidential Outstanding Academic Achievement Award.

Katie O'Grady June 2010: Showcase

Katie O'Grady held a showcse for her actors and only Portland's casting agents, talent agents, directors and producers were invited. As a group they did the same piece that they did for Rock Star Stella so Indi was once again seen as The Grand High Witch. Indi's hope was to gain representation by an agency. Once again Indi rocked the part and later was offered a spot on Ryan Artists kids roster. She has a photo shoot scheduled with Cully Wright and hopes to be working in film, print and voice over soon. She will continue her work in live theater and has a full schedule of training for the summer in theater and film. She is still at the gym working on her gymnastics skills and she has switched her voice training from classical theater music to pop.

Katie O'Grady June 2010: Rock Star Stella

In February of 2010 Indi began studying film acting with Katie O'Grady; acting for kids. In June they had their first performance. Ironically, this was a theater piece which is what Indi has trained for several years in. She was cast in a scene from The Witches as the Grand High Witch Herself. It was a short piece but a very strong role. Indi rocked it! She was big and bad and evil and convincing. There were agents in the audience and her performance lead to an audtion for an episode of Leverage. She was not cast but her audition lead to a director's callback!
Rock Star Stella was a Leukeimia benefit concert event held for Stella Monteverde-Cakebread. Indi was proud to be a part of this fundraiser.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Indi was a Kids PRO I and KIDS PRO II class member for 2009-2010. At the end of the school year the PRO II kids perform a second stage production. This years class did Ed Opus REX. A satire of Oedipus. It was hilarious and the kids did a wonderful job of performing it three nights in a row on the stage at NWCTS. Indi was Artimus; one of the cheerleaders and adoring fans of Ed.

NWCTS May 2010 Audition Class

Indi took the audition class (two years in a row now) and performed the song "Everything's Coming up Roses" from GYPSEY and a monolouge from "Daisy Fae and the Miracle Man." Taking this class prepares you for your season audition which Indi had in June 2010. She has since received callbacks for Kids CO and two main stage plays; Go, Dogs, Go and Alexander and the Terrible No Good Day.

NWCTS March 2010: Pea & the Princessess

Indi played the French Princess Babette in Kelly Stewarts The Pea and the Princessess. She wanted to sound realistic so she worked with a dialect coach on her French and she did a fantastic job in the play. Indi has a knack for voices and dialects.


Arabian Nights gave Indi the opportunity to play a princess; the eldest sister of the Sultan. It was also her first opportunity working with Matt Loerke.


In this version of Snow White there were no dwarfs but rather elfs and Indi played Luthiel; the wise elf.

ALS WALK September 2009

Indi participated in the ALS Walk in both 2008 and 2009 to help raise money and awareness for ALS.

NWCTS December 2009: KIDS CO

Indi auditioned for Kids Co in June of 2009. She had a directors call back in September of 2009 and was cast for the December performance troupe who put on the show Seasonal Magic. They spent nearly the entire month touring retirement centers in Portland Oregon bringing seasonal magic to the residents at Christmas Time. It was a great experience for Indi and she really enjoyed spreading good will. Indi hopes to return in 2010 for another season. Kids Co is directed by Carolyn Newsom and Kelly Stewart.

TFG May 2009: Gym Meet

Indi has been a gymnast since 2007. She was a dancer previous to that but she came home from school one day and said, "Mommy, I want to try gymnastics." She tried it...she loved it...she dropped dance like a hot potato for it...and she has been at the gym ever since. Currently, in 2010 she is a level 5 team member but because of her busy acting schedule she no longer competes.


Once again Indi had a solo in Soda Shop Shaboom as Claudette. This upbeat, bubbly rendition of a fifties diner musical was directed by Kelly Stewart.


Indi played Alice in Once Upon a Time and had her first solo. She has been taking vocal lessons with Kay Joham for about a year now. She sounded great!

NWCTS November 2008: It's a Mystery

The script for this play was written by the kids performing it and directed by Suezann Kitchens. Indi played Nin, the nervous ninja dog and had fun with her shy, uncertain character.